We know you don't focus or spend as much on Mac/macOS as you do on iPhone and iOS. Then work on a stability focused release without adding major new features. Accept that you messed up, just like you messed up with the Mac Pro and tried to save face by saying that you 'painted yourself into a thermal corner' (but didn't say why you went into radio silence for years). So here's my short open letter to Apple.Įat your false pride and do a reset on macOS – in WWDC 2020, don't add a new major macOS release, and don't have a new release name with funny stories of how your crack marketing department came up with it. I actually dread that Apple would, in a few short months, announce a new major release with even more changes and new features. After following the changes as well as the issues in Catalina since it was released, I'm in no hurry to upgrade to it.