Learn how to use DOCKER, from beginner basics to advanced techniques, with online video tutorials taught by industry experts. If you wish for safe reachability of Docker through computer networks, you can use TLS by enabling tlsverify flag, then denote tlscacert flag of Docker using confidential CA certificate. Docker can also communicate with the help of HTTP socket if desired. Safeguarding the Docker Socketĭocker runs through Unix socket that is non-networked, by default. The procedure to connect Docker to secured port is explained at the end of this chapter. It also explains how to secure Docker client by default and the different Docker modes namely daemon and client modes. This chapter highlights how to secure Docker daemon sockets and also various ways of creating client and server keys and CA by making use of Open-SSL. Though Docker runs using Unix sockets, HTTP sockets can also be used for Docker communication with the client. Docker is based on Linux characteristics but can also be run on various operating systems such as Mac OS-X, Oracle Unix, Windows, etc. Docker is a container technology that is used for overcoming the overhead of host resource usage as like virtual methods.